Partium Press


The Partium Press

The publisher of our university – Partium Press – was officially registered in 2003. 

Our publisher has since released scientific books, lecture notes and textbooks, collections of essays of domestic and international scientific conferences, text collections; it also publishes the academic journals of our university: Partiumi Egyetemi SzemleStafétaArgumentor and Acta Universitatis Christianae Partiensis.

The large variety of titles by Partium Press reflect the wide range of subjects in key areas of original academic work at Partium Christian University: language and literature, philosophy, psychology, theology, sociology, cultural studies, communication sciences, pedagogy, economics, music and arts.


Editorial Council:

dr. Debrenti Edith, director
Horváth István, executive director 
dr. Szász Erzsébet (Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences)
dr. Horváth Gizella(Faculty of Letters and Arts)